fringe suede jacket (on sale) + printed dress (older; linked in another print)
Tag: thanksgiving
Psalm 107:1
Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday now that I think about it. It’s such an incredible day to spend time with your loved ones and to be reminded of how blessed we truly are (even in times where we seem to be focused on the bad instead of the good). I know that I take a lot of things for granted at times, and one of my upcoming New Year’s resolutions is to spend every single day like it’s Thanksgiving. Being thankful is something that can be incredibly difficult during hard moments of our lives, but counting our blessings can remind us how fortunate we really are. Lately I’ve been taking the time to count my blessings, even the tiniest ones, every single night before I go to bed.
Something I am especially thankful for this year is baby Lili, my third cousin and the newest addition to our family. She is absolutely precious, and I am so glad that we got to celebrate her first Thanksgiving with her. Lili is beautiful , and she is definitely a big blessing.
I wanted to share some photos from my Thanksgiving. I took almost 700 photos yesterday, so I did my best to narrow it down to my twenty or so (which wasn’t easy, especially because baby Lili is crazy photogenic). Thanksgiving this year was one of the best I think our family has ever had. With the gorgeous weather, we celebrated outside and enjoyed the lovely day together.
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For those that have been asking about my camera/photography, I am a huge fan of Canon. But for me what makes the most prominent difference is shooting manual and understanding light! Getting the perfect shot is a lot about manipulating/learning about your camera settings, finding the perfect lighting, embracing creativity, and being in the right place at the right time. Find what inspires you. I’ve also been getting a lot of questions lately about my editing, and my best advice is to find a unique style that works for you & practice every single day. Practice makes perfect, and I learn new things daily. Over the past few months, I have fallen in love with shooting photos of the wonderful people and places around me. It’s such a blessing to be able to capture so many beautiful moments of my life and the lives of my friends and family.
I have been shooting family portraits pretty much every single day this week. Though I am booked for the rest of the Thanksgiving break, I do have some availabilities in December/January if you are looking for affordable portraits (whether it be family, senior, engagement, etc.)! Don’t hesitate to shoot me an email 🙂 I’d love to work with you!
Thanksgiving 2016 was definitely one for the books. So thankful for my wonderful family and friends. Thankful for the ups of life and the downs that help us grow and prosper. Thankful for my health, for the places I have traveled to, for the friendships that have carried me through my worst moments, for the family that loves me unconditionally, and for Jesus’ love. Additionally, I am so thankful for each and every one of you and all the support I have received over the past few years. I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Outfit Ideas
velvet dress | long necklace | riding boots
fur vest | swing dress | black tights | booties
My favorite holiday of the year is not too far away. Just thinking about all the turkey and pumpkin pie to come helps motivate me to push through these next two weeks of school. I realized the other day that I have only been home two days in the past six months, which is absolutely crazy. I am so ready to enjoy some much-needed time with my family!