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Hello friends! I’ve had so many of you request for an easy tutorial on how to make ‘gold font’. For months I kept seeing gold-foiled font on so many blogs, and I was desperate to figure out how to make some for myself! Every blog/website I went to at the time only had photoshop tutorials. Also, most of the tutorials were incredibly complicated to understand and figure out. I used photoshop back in middle school because I was on yearbook staff, so I knew the concept of layering. However, without photoshop it can be tricky to make gold font and use layering. I decided to make a quick & easy tutorial on how I make gold font. Best part? It’s 100% free!
*PLEASE READ: I just wanted to mention real quick that this tutorial is only for white backgrounds! I hope to make a tutorial in the future for colored backgrounds, but this specific tutorial is for white backgrounds only
PicMonkey has recently changed their policies to where you can only have a free trial now (it was 100% free when I created this post 2+ years ago. As of October 2017, this policy has changed and PicMonkey is no longer completely free)!*
1. Go to www.picmonkey.com. This is my favorite photo editing website. My sister and I share a ‘Royale’ account, which we really like. Every time I create something on Picmonkey, I usually go to the ‘design’ tab and select the square.

2. Write out your text. Definitely use a black font. It’s also best to pick a thicker font! For this little tutorial I used three of my favorites- ‘Lilly Belle‘, ‘Bebas neue‘, and ‘notperfect‘. They are all free fonts, and I linked them so you can check them out!

3. Combine the layers. Okay, so after you put town your text, click this little button (that looks like two pages and an arrow). This will flatten the layers and get your font prepared for the gold layer.

4. Next- find a gold texture to use! I just googled ‘gold foil texture‘, and then saved my favorites to my computer. I also searched ‘gold glitter texture‘ for the 3rd font. I recommend saving a couple of different ones, so you can try out a few and see which texture you like best!

5. Go to the ‘Overlays’ tab on picmonkey (it looks like a little butterfly). Click on ‘Your Own’ which is at the very top of the Overlays tab. Select your gold texture that you want to use.

6. Select ‘Lighten’ under ‘Blend Modes’. This is on the Overlay popup that should come up once you upload the gold texture. You’ll see a category called ‘Blend Modes’, click on where it says ‘normal’ and then scroll down. You’ll want to click on the ‘Lighten’ option. Drag the gold over the black font!
You can also apply this little trick to any black objects/clip art! I used a little black leaf from the ‘Leafy Stems’ section on Picmonkey (Leafy Stems is one of the options on the Overlay tab) to show you an example of using shapes.

7. Save your masterpiece! You’re done & now you have some gorgeous gold font!

I hope that could help! Let me know if you try it out! If you have any questions, please send me an email at
! Thank you for checking out my blog!
P.S. Check out my post ‘My top twenty favorite free fonts‘